“Annually, approximately 13,039 students end their lives in India,” says Singh (2022). On average, every year, 17 students from each district commit suicide, and 36 students across India die by suicide every day. Suicide in India is discussed only when…
My PhD journey at Guru Nanak Dev University (GNDU) from GNDU PhD Admission to the Sad End. Disclaimer: I’m not sharing this out of anger, but to raise awareness, because I noticed something disturbing: while other professors’ students were finishing…
Learning disabilities are a group of neurological disorders that disturbs the brain’s ability to store, process, or produce information. Dyslexia, dyscalculia, and dysgraphia are the most common learning disabilities. Do you know that famous scientists Thomas Alva Edison and Albert…
Not long ago, I was working with one of the USA-based MNCs. The company works for the wellness of people and the community, and what I admire about this company is that their offices have no “smoking room.” Tabacco-Related Death…